The Stand Up Paddle Board Core Workout
When you’re first starting out it can seem pretty difficult but the best thing you can do is keep at it. The more you work the easier it gets and the stronger you get.
This workout will be a combination of 6 exercises that you’ll go through 3 times. A few times a week for a couple months and you’ll have more toned and stronger core that will get you dialed in for paddle boarding.
Exercise 1
Bicycle Crunch – 10 to 15 Reps each side
The bicycle crunch is an awesome way to start out this workout because it will get your heart rate up and all of your big core muscles warmed up.
Start by laying on the floor with your fingers interlaced behind your head and your legs together about 6-12 inches off the ground. Begin by bending one leg at a time and drawing your knee toward your head then twisting your core bring the opposite elbow toward your knee. Left knee, right elbow then right knee, left elbow. Sounds easy right?
Exercise 2
Reverse Crunch – 10 to 15 reps
The reverse crunch is a great exercise for your upper abs and with this movement you can really feel your muscles engaging.
Lay on the floor with your palms facing down and out from your sides about 6 inches. Raise your feet and legs directly above your hips while keeping them parallel and together. Pulse your hips as high as you can and pause at the top before a control descent. Each up and down is one repetition.
Exercise 3
Plank Extensions – 10 seconds each hold
Now we’re going to feel the burn! Planks of any kind are a great way to increase the endurance of your muscles and plank extensions are a great way to not only work on core strength but balance too. With these benefits the plank was an easy one to add to the stand up paddle board core workout.
Start on your hands and knees, with your legs and back forming a straight line. The first movement is to raise your right arm and hold for 10 seconds, bring your arm down and raise your left leg and again hold for 10 seconds. Repeat with the opposite side arm and leg.
Feel too easy? Raise an arm and leg at the same time to increase the challenge.
Exercise 4
Flutter Kicks – 15 to 30 each leg
Flutter kicks tone your lower abs, thighs and your obliques which will all be used while you’re out paddling. The first set might seem easy but once you start on your second and third you’ll definitely start to feel the lactic acid build up and the deep muscle burn. Good for paddling, swimming and looking good flutter kicks were a shoe in for the stand up paddle board core workout.
Start by laying flat on the floor with your palms facing the ground. Raise both legs as high as you can and begin by dropping one leg while keeping the other raised. As you raise the first leg, lower the other and begin alternating legs. Remember to keep your legs as straight as possible when you’re performing your flutter kicks and to keep the exercise difficult don’t touch to the floor with your foot as you’re lowering it.
Exercise 5
Mountain Climbers – 10 to 15 each leg
Mountain climbers are another one of those exercises that initially seems easy until you’ve done a couple and then things quickly become more strenuous. A great total core exercise, mountain climbers are a great way to engage your core and get it dialed for paddling.
Start in the push-up position. Begin by bringing either knee as far forward as you can and touching your toe quickly before returning to the starting position. Repeat the process with the other leg, quickly tapping your toe and returning. Remember to keep your back straight and your hips low so that you get the full benefit of the movement. If you want to increase the challenge speed up your feet.
Exercise 6
Toe Touches – 10 to 15 reps
This is a great basic ab exercise that focuses a lot on the upper ab area. This is one of the hardest ones for me personally but the benefit of it is awesome. It made the cut for the stand up paddle board core workout because it will challenge your core and develop flexibility too.
Start with your legs straight and your feet above your hips and your arms pointed straight up and parallel. To begin raise your upper back and contract your abs to touch your fingers to your toes and return to the starting position. While this is probably the most straightforward exercise on here it’s super hard and you’ll feel the work right away.
Well there you go! This great little ab routine is quick and pays off huge come paddling season. Armed with a strong core you’ll be able to spend more time on the water and also paddle circles around your friends. Like I mentioned earlier, just keep at it, it’ll get easier over time. So get going on the stand up paddle board core workout before your next trip to the water!
See you out there!